Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 39 of 40 Days of Prayer

Scripture: Psalm 16:1-11

I believe a proof of God’s existence is that there are adults in this world. Everyone I talk to has stories of close calls in their childhood. People frequently wonder how they lived through their younger, careless lifestyles.

I remember visiting Yellowstone when the kids were young. Jeffrey was enamored with buffalo. He also liked to lead the way on our walks. On one particular walk, with him out in front leading the way, he turned a corner which put him just out of our view. He started yelling excitedly that there was a buffalo with him! I ran to catch up to him knowing the possible danger he could be in. Sure enough, there he was, far too close to the grazing buffalo family.

Another vacation, this time the Grand Canyon, Jeffrey again always led the way. On this trip, leading the way meant being the first to jump out of the car and being the first to make it to the edge of the canyon at each stop. There is not much for protection either; a double metal bar about two feet from the edge. Jeffrey quickly discovered he could see better by crawling through the bars to have his look over the edge. Sheri won’t return to the Grand Canyon because the memories are so full of the stress and fear she felt, caused by her youngest.

Growing up, I know I caused my parents stress on numerous occasions. I think of these stories now and wonder how often I have needlessly stressed my Heavenly Father as I have wandered away from His safe guidance to see what is around the corner or over the edge. It is reassuring that our God is ever faithful in His mercy toward us.

-Marvin Roberts

Prayer: Thank you God for your protection. We dare not imagine how our life would be had you not been watching over us in our times of foolishness. Help us to trust you, even in those times when we do get hurt, that it is not because you weren't there and certainly not because you don't care about us. Help us to remember that your love for us isn't proven by how pleasant our life is, but it is verified by what you have sacrificed so that we can have a perfect future with you. Remind us that these 'light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."

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